Welcome to my blog.
My name is Amanda, and I write a story in my free time.
Well, sort of.
For the past six years there is this one book I have yet to finish, and lately, it's getting even harder to really really make a progress.
So, somebody told me I should set a deadline on my own and do whatever in the name of finishing it. And here I am, with help from that somebody have my own blog *yeeey
I don't what this is, but it's cool.
And I hope that I'll really finish this book, this year, before November.
Yep, that's my deadline over there. And APRIL IS GOING TO BE OVER SOON!!!!
That's about all I can say about my situation. It's tormenting to know that we're getting older but making no progress whatsoever, with the months gone by to the years with nothing coming to fruition. Some people never realise this, you know, they worked everyday repeating the same routine day after day, but for what?
It's a despair. I'm sick of it, seeing the hours gone by while the writer's block killed the time for me. In the morning I got three hours since I wake up until I have to be at work, but those time passes by with me on the bed, mulling over things my characters were supposed to say.
It's over **now**.
I'm not somebody who could afford to write perfectly.
I'm just an aspiring writer and this is just my first book.
It's not going to be pretty, but I've been pouring my mind into this and now, you, the unsuspecting traveler, came upon my obscure blog.
Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you'll enjoy the stay.
I'm planning to put out one chapter every week. There's been some progress so far and I'm going to drizzle it out here in this blog while I finish the rest. And if you guys like it, I'll be that more motivated to finish the book.
Down below I'm going to tell a bit about the story, so, please stay after break :)
######A little bit about the story
Love isn't easy. People can't date forever and a relationship was never about that two parties alone.